In my decades-long writing journey, I’ve learned resources for authors are plentiful but not always good. Nor are they always legitimate. The better authorities include established authors, trusted agencies, and credible social media pages and websites dedicated to helping authors deliver a genuinely decent product.
Five of the best I’ve vetted and used are:
Writer’s Digest:
An industry perennial since 1920, WD ranks high among the gold standards of writing and publishing resources. From contests and conferences to featured articles written by trade professionals, WD offers readers and users online and tangible publications. For access to information about all aspects of publishing, look here for access to WD.
Editor Michael Garrett:
Mike was my first editor. Full disclosure: He once told me I was incredibly talented, so I’m biased. There. I’ve said it. However, biases aside, Mike brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the writing table. Carrying the persona of the traditional old-school editor, Mike offers burgeoning authors a direct, concise, and unflinching red pen critique of raw manuscripts. Aside from slaughtering darlings, Mike’s guidance in the business side of things is a bonus. Having worked with authors like Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, and Harlan Ellison, Mike also served as Editorial Associate at Writer’s Digest and is listed in respected publishing resources such as The Literary Marketplace and Publisher’s Marketplace. As an author himself, Mike’s insights into the intricacies—good and bad—of the writing process are unparalleled in my admittedly biased—yet still accurate—opinion. To learn more about Michael Garrett’s editing services, visit his website here:
Editor Karen Sanders:
Karen is my current editor and, like Mike, offers guidance not only in the written word but in the industry and all it entails. As a prolific writer, Karen provides helpful critiques and adds lessons to her editing repertoire to help clients succeed better. Providing authors a haven within her “Write here, Write Now Community,” Karen and her partners develop master classes like “Boss Your Blurb,” an essential tool in learning the sometimes-confusing formula needed when writing the all-important--and ever-annoying--backmatter blurb. Given via teachable, Karen’s Boss Your Blurb lesson comes with printable sheets, making formulating your blurb easy and concise. With more courses on the horizon and a wealth of knowledge from many internationally successful authors, Karen Sanders is another trusted resource for those dipping their toes into the publishing pool. Learn More about Karen here:
Social Media:
Social media boards are iffy places for writers. Many begin with noble efforts and then morph into swamps of like-farming spam, freelancers hocking their wares, or other authors posting their links. While I don’t mind such endeavors (except for the like-farming, of course—they’re out to steal information), when on a page meant for sharing ideas about the often-grueling act of writing, having a freelancer or author slam their link into your “bitch and moan” thread about finding your muse, is annoying. I’ve probably joined, inspected, and DITCHED hundreds over the years—maybe thousands—and only a few truly stand out as supportive and consistently professional.
The ‘Fiction Writing’ board hosted by Brian Paone on Facebook.
As an author and editor, Brian knows writers’ struggles in an industry meant to be cutthroat. With the board’s ‘WIP it out Wednesdays,’ ‘Fiction Fridays,’ and “Marketing Mondays,” Brian Paone’s Fiction Writing board provides insights, support, and cautionary tales presented firsthand by nearly 150 thousand other Fiction Writing members. Brian and his moderators quickly dispense scams and spam and give warnings to interlopers out to thwart an otherwise active, professional, and consistently informative board. To join Brian Paone’s Fiction Writing board on Facebook, click here:
Writer’s Haven, hosted by Author Tyler Moore on Facebook and Instagram.
Relatively young for a Facebook board, Writer’s Haven’s 1500-member community offers a soft place to fall for writers of all genres, ages, and experiences. With a good smattering of entertaining memes and advice from novice writers and seasoned pros, Writer’s Haven is an excellent source for newbie authors reaching out from their introverted hostels for connection and guidance. Join Writer’s Haven here:
While these pages, sites, and professionals are far from the only reliable sources on the internet, they are a few of the best I've seen and used myself.
Have you used trusted resources for writers? What have they done to help you? What do they offer writers and authors just starting out?
Let me know and I'd love to share your success stories and their websites or links!
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